The third game of the day on Saturday will likely determine the number one seed out of group B between EDG and T1. Both teams were a cut above the other two teams, 100 Thieves and Detonation FocusMe, who are looking to play catch up. 100 Thieves and Detonation FocusMe will most likely have to go 3-0 for the best chance to escape groups so they’ll be putting it all on the line.
Here’s a core lineup of three players who domestically were one of the best on their team for DraftKings and FanDuel on October 16
MVP | ||
Top Lane | Canna (T1) | $6,600 DK, $7,900 FD |
Jungle | Closer (100T) | $6,400 DK, $9,300 FD |
Mid Lane | ||
AD Carry | Viper (EDG) | $7,800 DK, $10,100 FD |
Support | ||
In the first matchup between EDG and T1, Canna ($6,600 DK, $7,900 FD) was doing a great job in lane against Flandre. He was able to get the push early in the lane to enable top lane tower dives. Unfortunately, EDG did a great job of shutting down T1’s gameplan by having the jungler and support hover topside on the dive timings, halting Canna’s lane advantage and reducing the threat of Twisted Fate. Canna has shown he can beat all the top laners in this group and is a solid pick for Saturday’s matches.
When 100 Thieves was at their best in the LCS, Closer ($6,400 DK, $ FD) was making plays everywhere. During the first round-robin of the group stage we saw a much more passive Closer who was being put on more supportive champions like Jarvan IV and Trundle. The one game where 100 Thieves found success was with Closer on Viego, which was one of his best champions during their LCS title run. If 100 Thieves want to run the table, they need to get Closer back on playmakers like Lee Sin or Viego.
Viper ($7,800 DK, $10,100 FD) came into Worlds 2021 as the best AD carry in the world and hasn’t shown any signs of losing that title. He’s been perfect so far with zero deaths and a combined scoreline of 11/0/21. Many thought that Viper was going to be at the center of the gameplan for EDG at Worlds 2021 because of the strength of their botlane along with Meiko, however, the meta has looked much different with supports acting as a second jungler often far away from their AD carry past ten minutes.
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- Which AD carries you should avoid from group B
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- Which players from 100T and DFM will lead them to a possible miracle run
MVP Picks
The aforementioned meta shakeup has been because of the strength of the topside. Jiejie ($10,800 [MVP] DK, $9,000 FD) has done a fantastic job of setting up Flandre and Scout for success by controlling the topside of the map with vision, counter ganks, and rift herald control. We’re seeing an increased emphasis on rift herald and a much lower priority on stacking dragons to acquire a quick soul. With the strength of EDG’s solo laners, Jiejie can effectively control that section of the map and calculate the best plan of action during the games.
Scout ($11,400 [MVP] DK, $9,400 FD) was finally able to take down Faker, giving EDG control of their own destiny going into the second round-robin. He dominated the other mid laners in this group on a variety of playstyles which makes him hard to draft against. Scout has flourished in the current mid lane meta succeeding domestically on every single champion except for Irelia. His proficiency on Sylas and Twisted Fate, the two biggest Irelia counters right now, make up for his only weakness.
Tier One Picks
Flandre ($6,600 DK, $8,100 FD) seemed to pick up the new look Graves top first in the group stage. He’s not as big of a carry player as some of the other top laners in the LPL like Ale, Xiaohu, and Nuguri but has shown more of an ability to play that tank/engage/utility playstyle than those listed. Flandre has still performed well on carries so far at worlds and the strength of his mid plus jungle allow him to play freely in the early game, knowing he has backup.
Like Tom Brady, it’s difficult to bet against Faker ($7,200 DK, $9,100 FD) when it comes to important matches. Every single time he’s attended worlds he made it out of groups and at the very worst advanced to the semifinals. Faker looked great against 100 Thieves and Detonation FocusMe but struggled against EDG to make plays. His Twisted Fate was nullified by EDG’s dive protection from having Meiko roam with his first three teleports rendering zero kills. Next time around against EDG, T1 must either come up with a different gameplan by getting Faker on a control mage where he can have his presence felt beyond 15 minutes.
Tier Two Picks
Evi ($5,600 DK, $7,400 FD) is the motor for Detonation FocusMe. Whenever the team is finding success in a game it’s usually off the back of Evi. We saw towards the end of the play-in stage and against EDG whenever Evi is given a champion with agency he can take over the game. Urgot and Sett have been two of his signature champions and if given the opportunity should be put on one of those picks if DFM wants to make the miracle run like Cloud9 did.
TEAM Picks
EDG ($5,200 DK, $7,700 FD) are the obvious favorites to make it out of group B after smashing T1 and 100 Thieves, then surviving an early scare against Detonation FocusMe. However, don’t count out T1 ($5,000 DK, $7,500 FD) quite yet. They play an early game composition against EDG and failed to execute their early plays. It will be interesting to see how these two teams play a game on even footing past 15 minutes.
Stock up on EDG players wherever possible. With both 100 Thieves and Detonation FocusMe fighting an uphill battle they won’t back down in the early game which could lead to some very bloody games, and we’ve seen how good EDG’s teamfightings is in the LPL.
While Gumayusi has played all three games so far for T1 we still can’t rule out the possibility of Teddy subbing in if T1 loses either of their games against 100 Thieves or EDG. So be careful if you are going to pick a T1 AD carry.
Let us know about your wins on Twitter (@FantasyDFSX). We love to hear from you. Best of luck and have fun!