RNG are the only remaining undefeated team at MSI after a competitive game against the MAD Lions. Damwon got a much needed 2-0 after another close game against Cloud9 and a near perfect game against Pentanet. Cloud9 now face the difficult task of climbing out of a 0-4 hole but have a game against Pentanet to get the climb started.
Here’s a partial lineup with two Cloud9 players that will be the key for their comeback for FanDuel and DraftKings on May 16
MVP | ||
Top Lane | ||
Jungle | Blaber (C9) | $8,500 FD, $6,600 DK |
Mid Lane | Perkz (C9) | $9,400 FD, $7,200 DK |
AD Carry | ||
Support | ||
TEAM | Royal Never Give Up | $7,800 FD, $5,400 DK |
Blaber ($8,500 FD, $6,600 DK) and Perkz ($9,400 FD, $7,200 DK) have had high highs and low lows for Cloud9 at MSI so far. The stars of Cloud9 have either been the carries or the inters in each game. Perkz’s AD mid laners (except Kindred) have been the best among MSI mid lanes as they have risen in priority due to the AP junglers in the meta. Blaber has struggled on these new AP junglers in Rumble and Morgana. He hasn’t had the same early game impact as he did in North America but has continued to look great on Udyr. Both Blaber and Perkz will have a great warmup game against Pentanet before a crucial game against Damwon later in the day.
Royal Never Give Up ($7,800 FD, $5,400 DK) are the most likely team to get a 2-0 on Sunday’s matches as they are up against PSG Talon and Pentanet. We’ve now seen RNG destroy Pentanet five times and are a matchup nightmare against PSG Talon. PSG is the slowest early game team left in the tournament and have struggled against the hyper-aggressive MAD Lions. RNG is no different from MAD in terms of their early game aggression and should look to bring the same pace to get the 2-0 on Sunday and move to 6-0 in the rumble stage.
What do you get if you sign up for $99 now?
• Full lineups for FanDuel and DraftKings
• The unanimous MVP choice
• Which player who is surprisingly topping the tournament in KDA
• How to balance your salary for an abundance of one sided matches
FanDuel is broken up into two sections, early and main. The early slate contains the matches of: PGG vs C9, PSG vs RNG, and MAD vs DK. The main slate contains the matches of: PGG vs RNG, DK vs C9, and MAD vs PSG. Whereas the DraftKings lineup includes both matches from each team and their points will accrue over both games.
FanDuel Lineup for May 16 – Early
MVP | Wei (RNG) | $8,900 FD |
Top Lane | Fudge (C9) | $7,900 FD |
Jungle | Blaber (C9) | $8,500 FD |
Mid Lane | Perkz (C9) | $9,400 FD |
AD Carry | Zven (C9) | $10,000 FD |
Support | BeryL (DK) | $7,400 FD |
TEAM | Royal Never Give Up | $7,800 FD |
Remaining Salary | $0 |
FanDuel Lineup for May 16 – Main
MVP | Wei (RNG) | $8,900 FD |
Top Lane | Xiaohu (RNG) | $8,400 FD |
Jungle | Blaber (C9) | $8,100 FD |
Mid Lane | Cryin (RNG) | $9,400 FD |
AD Carry | GALA (RNG) | $10,200 FD |
Support | Kaiser (MAD) | $7,400 FD |
TEAM | MAD Lions | $7,600 FD |
Remaining Salary | $0 |
The main slate features the one sided matchups of RNG versus Pentanet and MAD Lions versus PSG Talon. Across the whole tournament RNG holds a 5-0 record over Pentanet and MAD Lions a 3-0 record against PSG Talon. Both teams are the clear favorites to win those matches and finding the best combination of RNG and MAD Lions players will yield the best lineup while keeping in mind you must select players from three different teams on FanDuel.
All the laners of RNG are among the best at the tournament. Xiaohu ($8,400 FD, $7,000 DK) plays one of the most aggressive top lane styles in the world. Taking strong laning dominant champions like Gnar, Lucian and Jayce to accrue as much gold as possible in the early game and ramming his lead down his opponents’ throats. Cryin ($9,400 FD, $7,800 DK) is old reliable for RNG. While Xiaohu, Wei, and GALA are pushing the pace around the map, Cryin’s job is to maximize his amount of gold. Come late game Cryin does a ton of work in teamfights on primarily mages/control mages being tied for the highest damager per minute on RNG while having a lower gold percentage than Xiaohu or GALA. GALA ($10,200 FD, $8,000 DK) had big shoes to fill after Chinese legend Uzi but if you removed the nameplates, I don’t think you could tell the difference.
Kaiser ($7,400 FD, $5,600 DK) is right behind Ming for best support at MSI. After 2020, the MAD Lions have become a much better team as there’s a higher focus on their teamwork as opposed to winning through individual skill. Kaiser’s Leona and Nautilus have been on-point in terms of landing cc abilities on the important targets and finding roam timings in the early game.
MAD Lions ($7,600 FD, $4,400 DK) seem to have PSG Talon’s number at this tournament. Carzzy and Kaiser seem to overwhelm Doggo and Kaiwing, Armut has bullied Hanabi in fighter versus tank matchups, with Elyoya and Humanoid neutralizing PSG’s motor in River and Maple. In the previous game between these two teams, which was the closest, PSG went all-in on the early game with a Galio for Maple. However, once the game went late PSG’s damage fell off to the scaling MAD Lions draft of Viktor and Tristana.
DraftKings Lineup for May 16
MVP | Wei (RNG) | $11,100 [MVP] DK |
Top Lane | Xiaohu (RNG) | $7,000 DK |
Jungle | Blaber (C9) | $6,600 DK |
Mid Lane | Perkz (C9) | $7,200 DK |
AD Carry | Carzzy (MAD) | $7,200 DK |
Support | Vulcan (C9) | $5,200 DK |
TEAM | Royal Never Give Up | $5,400 DK |
Remaining Salary | $300 |
With RNG’s dominance at MSI, it’s surprising to see that Carzzy ($9,700 FD, $7,200 DK) leads all players in KDA at 8.8. He’s been the primary carry for MAD Lions and seems to be changing the narrative of his international performances. In summer 2020 he was going into Worlds 2020 hot but never found his footing on the international stage which led to a quick exit for the MAD Lions. Now in 2021 Carzzy didn’t have the most outstanding season in the LEC but seems much more comfortable under the bright lights.
When Vulcan ($7,700 FD, $5,200 DK) is at his best he’s playing the tank/engage role. Vulcan played two Lulu games on Saturday and while he didn’t play poorly on it, once Cloud9 started to lose momentum against Damwon and PSG it was difficult for Vulcan to have an impact the later the game went. After starting 0-4 in the rumble stage, it will be an uphill battle for Cloud9 to attain one of those top four spots. Cloud9 should get Vulcan back on the engagers like Alistar or Rell to jumpstart their game against Pentanet.
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