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DFS LoL LCS Spring Split Week 3 Day 2 Picks for February 20, 2021

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After seeing a preview of the spring split through the LCS Lock In Tournament, nobody would’ve thought that TSM and DIG would be ahead of Team Liquid and Evil Geniuses in the standings. A great day of matches yesterday saw TSM extend their win streak to five and CLG almost take down Cloud9.

Here’s a partial lineup of players who had a strong Friday for February 20 on DraftKings and FanDuel

Top Lane  
JungleCloser$7,200 DK, $8,500 FD
Mid LaneInsanity$7,000 DK, $8,600 FD
AD Carry  
SupportCoreJJ$5,800 DK, $7,500 FD

While Olaf remains to have 100% presence and the most banned champion in the LCS, Closer ($7,200 DK, $8,500 FD) seems to get his hands on the pick the most. Closer owns five of the fifteen Olaf picks in the LCS for 2021 and has a 100% win rate on it. He did a great job in the early game against Immortals by stacking dragons. Closer is the second best jungler in the LCS behind Blaber and while he isn’t as aggressive as him, Closer is much more calculated in his early tower dives and objective control. Closer will be vital in their game against TSM to shut down their renewed early game.

Immortals has had the misfortune of playing the top six LCS teams within their first seven games. It’s difficult to judge Immortals this early in the season despite their 2-5 record. They’ve had some great games against the top teams, beating Team Liquid and Evil Geniuses and had a very close game against 100 Thieves yesterday. Insanity ($7,000 DK, $8,600 FD) has been the surprise of this Immortals roster. With a strong mid lane pool of players in the LCS, Insanity has great statistics being tied for third in KDA with 4.3 among mid laners and up in CS, gold, and experience on average per game.

After CoreJJ’s ($5,800 DK, $7,500 FD) lackluster week two, he came back strong in the first game of week three. He executed perfect engages on Rell which has seemed to jump to the top of the priority list for supports. CoreJJ has yet to pull out the Bard or Biltzcrank once this spring split which are two of his best champions. Perhaps he will this week to start Team Liquid’s climb to the top of the standings.

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Full lineups for DraftKings and FanDuel
The obvious MVP choice + a cheaper option
Find out which top laner’s great value could lead you to a win
Which two AD carries have great matchups

FanDuel Lineup for February 20

MVPBlaber$9,000 FD
Top LaneLicorice$8,200 FD
JungleCloser$8,500 FD
Mid LaneInsanity$8,600 FD
AD CarryZven$10,400 FD
SupportCoreJJ$7,500 FD
TEAMFlyQuest$7,800 FD
Remaining Salary $0

It feels like it’s getting repetitive at this point, but Blaber ($11,100 [MVP] DK, $9,000 FD) just makes the most sense for MVP. He has the highest point per game on both DraftKings and FanDuel and continues to find success on whatever champion he is playing. In Cloud9’s match against CLG, it was interesting that he chose the Rek’sai again when Taliyah was available as it’s best performing champion this season.

Licorice ($6,200 DK, $8,200 FD) has insane value in his match against Golden Guardians. He’s listed as the second cheapest top laner on both DraftKings and FanDuel. While he statistically isn’t the best player, his opponent Niles is worse. Niles averages the third worst points per game on both DraftKings and FanDuel and is regarded as one of the weakest players in the LCS. Licorice performs well in FlyQuest wins and should have one of his best performances of the season against Golden Guardians.

Zven ($8,200 DK, $10,400 FD) might have the best laning of any laner in the LCS. He rarely dies in the laning phase and can transition his leads into early dragons and beautiful mid to late game teamfighting. He’s right near the top with Blaber in terms of highest points per game, second on FanDuel and fourth on DraftKings. Dignitas’ bot lane has been a strong point for them so Zven should have his work cut out for him in their match on Saturday.

FlyQuest ($5,400 DK, $7,800 FD) has the best team matchup on Saturday as the four other matches are quite close in perceived level. Golden Guardians is the worst team in the LCS whose players have struggled individually and lack team cohesion. While FlyQuest has struggled this season, they’ve won the matches they are supposed to win and lose the ones they are supposed to lose through their first seven games.

DraftKings Lineup for February 20

MVPJohnsun$11,100 [MVP] DK
Top LaneLicorice$6,200 DK
JungleCloser$7,200 DK
Mid LaneInsanity$7,000 DK
AD CarryRaes$7,200 DK
SupportCoreJJ$5,800 DK
TEAMFlyQuest$5,400 DK
Remaining Salary $100

With the tighter DraftKings salary two swaps have been made. Johnsun ($11,100 [MVP] DK, $9,700 FD) is FlyQuest’s best player and despite their 2-5 record has great stats relative to his team’s success. Johnsun has the ability to play non-traditional bot lanes which has been an asset for FlyQuest’s limited success this season. Raes ($7,200 DK, $9,500 FD) has a great matchup going against CLG on Saturday. Raes’ opponent WildTurtle averages the most deaths per game among AD carries with 4.1. Raes should be able to capitalize on the volatility of CLG’s bot lane.

Let us know about your wins on Twitter (@FantasyDFSX). We love to hear from you. Best of luck and have fun!

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