It’s down to three teams. Cloud9 have already advance to the finals on Sunday after beating Team Liquid 3-1 in the winners bracket final. TSM and Team Liquid will duke it out in the lower bracket final for the remaining spot. These teams met in the first match of the Mid-Season Showdown, but both are very different almost three weeks later.
Here’s a partial lineup of the most important players from each team in this series for April 10 on DraftKings
MVP | Jensen | $15,600 [MVP] DK |
MVP | ||
Flex | Lost | $10,600 DK |
Flex |
In the previous series between Team Liquid and TSM, Jensen ($15,600 [MVP] DK) was the best performer of the series. His unorthodox mid lane picks, relative to the meta, were able to shutdown PowerOfEvil and draw all the attention of the TSM side to the mid lane. Jensen’s dominance of PowerOfEvil in their first series against TSM allowed for bot lane and top lane to operate in the side lanes with little to no jungle intervention. Team Liquid’s individual skill was able to shine through Jensen’s leads. It’s been clear all season long that PowerOfEvil cannot play any champions outside of Azir, Syndra, Orianna, Viktor, and Seraphine at the highest level. When TSM strays away from a control mage mid their scaling isn’t as strong and their game plan flips to picking stronger side lanes and early aggression as opposed to late game scaling. Jensen’s wide champion pool should give Team Liquid an innate advantage as TSM’s drafting and playstyle can be one-dimensional.
Lost ($10,600 DK) continues to be the rock for TSM in the late game. In wins and losses Lost is either the best or second best performer on his team making him the best TSM player to select if you aren’t going all in on TSM this weekend. Lost has greatly benefitted from SwordArt’s improvements over the course of the season allowing him to have a stable early game to transition into the mid and late game. The introduction of Jinx into the meta is the perfection champion for Lost. A hyper-scaling late game threat that will reach a point of no return for the enemy team.
What do you get if you sign up for $99 now?
• Full Lineup for DraftKings
• How the previous series between TSM and TL will affect Saturday’s match
• Which player’s performance against Cloud9 has them trending upwards
• A bonus FanDuel roster which includes matches from the LCS and LEC
The usual DraftKings format will include a roster of four players total, two MVP players (1.5x points) and two flex players (1x points). In addition, this weekend’s matches will include a bonus lineup for FanDuel which follows the traditional lineup of one MVP (1.5x points), one player from each role, and one TEAM pick.
DraftKings Lineup for April 10
MVP | Jensen | $15,600 [MVP] DK |
MVP | Alphari | $12,600 [MVP] DK |
Flex | Lost | $10,600 DK |
Flex | Tactical | $11,000 DK |
Remaining Salary | $200 DK |
Alphari’s ($12,600 [MVP] DK) performance against Cloud9 shouldn’t worry you from picking him as MVP against TSM. Cloud9 threw a ton of pressure against Alphari all series knowing that they could withstand the pressure that Team Liquid was putting on Perkz in mid. With Team Liquid’s mid lane attempts not generating enough of a lead, Cloud9’s success in shutting down Alphari lead to his worst performance in North America so far. However, TSM is a mid lane oriented team that often plays to scale. This gives Alphari the opportunity to either pick an early aggressive laner like Renekton and Gnar or match late game scaling with one of his best champions in Gangplank. Regardless of the top lane matchup, with all the pressure in this series going towards mid lane Alphari should be able to get a favorable lane.
Although Team Liquid fell short against Cloud9, Tactical ($11,000 DK) finally had a series where he didn’t make any crazy plays to hurt his team. Tactical had a good series all-around, but with there being little to no attention towards the bot lane in the series the rest of the map was slingshot ahead of him gold and experience wise. This made it difficult for Tactical’s impact to be felt in skirmishes and teamfights as he was often down in items against most of the other players in the series. Moving into finals weekend Tactical will need to continue to play with his brain screwed on tightly in order to get that rematch with Cloud9.
Bonus FanDuel Lineup for April 10
MVP | Rekkles | $10,200 FD |
Top Lane | Alphari | $7,600 FD |
Jungle | Jankos | $8,700 FD |
Mid Lane | Jensen | $9,400 FD |
AD Carry | Hans sama | $9,300 FD |
Support | Mikyx | $7,000 FD |
TEAM | Team Liquid | $7,700 FD |
Remaining Salary | $100 FD |
Rekkles ($10,200 FD) is the highest scorer in the series between G2 and Rogue and is the best player in that series. Even in G2 losses Rekkles still performs at the highest level and while G2 aren’t necessarily the outright favorite to win against Rogue or even win against MAD Lions in the finals, Rekkles is still one of if not the best player in the LEC. He’s known for his clutch performances from his days on Fnatic and maybe this will be his first standout moment on G2. In addition, Jankos ($8,700 FD) and Mikyx ($7,000 FD) are key players for G2 in this series. Jankos and Inspired are the two best junglers in Europe and play similar roles for their respective teams it will just be a question of which player is better. Mikyx always seems to be the x-factor for G2, everyone knows the strength of their carry players, but people often forget how insane Mikyx was when G2 was at their peak. Lastly, Hans sama ($9,300 FD) is Rogue’s highest scorer and similar to Lost is the safest Rogue player to pick if your aren’t sure who you favor.
Let us know about your wins on Twitter (@FantasyDFSX). We love to hear from you. Best of luck and have fun!