Moving into the knockout stage of the LCS Lock In Tournament only two teams have been eliminated. CLG and Dignitas finished at the bottom of group A and B respectively. The other eight teams will move on to the knockout stage where teams will play their opposite seeded team from the other group (E.g. the number 1 seed from group A will face the number 4 seed from group B). Saturday’s matches will see 100 Thieves will face off against Immortals and the El Clásico of the LCS, Cloud9 versus TSM. Sunday’s matches are Evil Geniuses and Golden Guardians plus Team Liquid and FlyQuest.
Here’s the makeup of a lineup comprised of the highest average fantasy points per game players in their role for January 23 on FanDuel
MVP _______
Top Lane Ssumday $7,900 FD
Jungle Blaber $8,200 FD
Mid Lane _______
AD Carry _______
Support Huhi $7,400 FD
TEAM _______
Ssumday ($6,600 DK, $7,900 FD) continues to be the rock on 100 Thieves no matter what the lineup is. Ssumday is the longest tenured member of 100 Thieves and has been playing for them since the team entered the LCS in 2018. Renekton has been one of his most played champions of all-time in his LCS career, and with the new season item changes that have pushed Renekton to the top of the pack, Ssumday has dominated through the first four games of 2021. The four core Golden Guardians members from 2020 that are now on 100 Thieves are the highest level teammates that Ssumday has had in his career and have brought the best out of him. Ssumday is going up against Topoon, former Legacy Esports player who made the change over to North America after attending the world championship play-in stage and will be subbing in for starting top laner Revenge. Expect Ssumday to give him a not so nice welcome in his LCS debut.
Blaber ($6,800 DK, $8,200 FD) is the key to Cloud9’s success. We saw that last year in the spring split when he won MVP and Cloud9 blew through every team on its way to the trophy, but it’s what failed them in the summer split when we witnessed one of the biggest collapses in LCS history. We’ve seen the good and bad from Blaber in his first four games of the season. When Cloud9 were upset by EG and spoiled Perkz’s North American debut, Blaber struggled in the mid and late game with positioning and over aggression, the same issues he struggled with last summer. But over the last 3 games he’s had a KDA of 19/3/16 smashing the early game with Taliyah and transitioning that into strong teamfighting and objective control.
Who would have thought Huhi ($5,800 DK, $7,400 FD) would be playing on 100 Thieves again after he was signed, benched, and released in less than six months back in 2019. Many people were skeptic when it was revealed that Huhi was going to transition from mid lane to support after his release from 100 Thieves. Golden Guardians took a chance on him and transformed him into one of top three supports. Now returning to 100 Thieves in a different role Huhi has looked fantastic posting a KDA of 3/7/48. He can play whatever the team requires of him whether it’s engaging through Sett or peel with Lulu. Huhi is vital to the two versus two success in the bot lane and his role in teamfighting.
- Full lineups for both DraftKings and FanDuel
- How to pick your lineups while comparing players average fantasy points per game to their cost
- Which duo is a must pick for the first day of quarterfinals
- Who to pick for MVP
- Which player will have a different role in his team for their upcoming match
Now what do you get if you sign up for $99 now?
- Full lineups for both DraftKings and FanDuel
- How to pick your lineups while comparing players average fantasy points per game to their cost
- Which duo is a must pick for the first day of quarterfinals
- Who to pick for MVP
- Which player will have a different role in his team for their upcoming match
Please note that Immortals has opted to field their entire academy roster for their series against 100 Thieves. As three out of five of their starting roster from last week were from academy only two new players are subbing in. Topoon will be taking over top lane from Revenge and Pretty will replace Insanity.
With Immortals choosing to field their entire academy roster for their quarterfinal match against 100 Thieves it makes 100 Thieves the massive favorites going into the match. Cloud9 are also huge favorites against TSM due to TSM’s poor performances in the group stage, but you should never assume the outcome of a TSM versus C9 series as anything can happen when these two teams play each other. Look to load up on 100 Thieves and Cloud9 players to take advantage of the Games Not Played Bonus. This bonus is given to players on teams who don’t end up playing the maximum number of games in each series (E.g. if 100 Thieves wins 2-0 all 100 Thieves players on your lineup will gain an bonus of 20 points as all three games were not needed to determine the outcome of the series, TEAM picks gain a bonus of 15 points).
FanDuel Lineup for January 23
MVP Damonte $9,400 FD
Top Lane Ssumday $7,900 FD
Jungle Blaber $8,200 FD
Mid Lane Perkz $9,300 FD
AD Carry FBI $10,200 FD
Support Huhi $7,400 FD
TEAM Cloud9 $7,600 FD
Remaining Salary $0
Although FBI is the primary carry and higher scorer for 100 Thieves, selecting Damonte ($11,400 DK [MVP], $9,400 FD) as the MVP for Saturday’s lineup allows for a much better roster overall. Damonte averages only three less fantasy points per game than FBI, so while you would be losing out on the extra 50 percent points for the higher scorer in FBI the way that mid laners are priced in comparison to AD carries allows for a better roster. If FBI was selected as the MVP instead of Damonte you would then be forced into selecting another AD carry for your lineup, the most expensive role. Having Damonte as the MVP allows give you almost as strong as a scorer as FBI while giving you extra cash to spend on the premier players in other roles.
With that being said, Damonte ($11,400 DK [MVP], $9,400 FD) and FBI ($7,800 DK, $10,200 FD) are the two most important players on 100 Thieves. They provide all damage and lead the charge in late game objective control and teamfighting. Damonte’s playstyle is all about utilizing his champion and advantages to influence the rest of the map to get his team ahead then post 20 minutes hands the reigns to FBI to dish out damage in teamfights.
While Perkz ($7,200 FD, $9,300 FD) hasn’t been the flashiest player on Cloud9 so far that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been putting in work in the mid lane. Since their first loss against EG Perkz is 4/3/13 with very strong laning. Cloud9’s game plan has revolved around Zven and Vulcan dominating the two versus two and Blaber making plays around the map, expect that to change against TSM as they have a very passive playstyle specifically around the mid lane. From TSM, PowerOfEvil prefers to sit in mid as long opting to acquire advantages in gold and experience through minions and towers as opposed to assisting other lanes and getting advantages through map control and objectives. Look for Perkz to have a large impact on the map in their series against TSM.
Cloud9 ($5,000 DK, $7,600 FD) is the only pick that averages higher fantasy points per game than all the picks on 100 Thieves. This is due to Cloud9’s longer game time which results in more turrets, dragons, and barons. More often, TEAM picks get more points the longer the games go and since 100 Thieves is a much bigger favorite in their match against Cloud9 is more likely that Cloud9 will outscore 100 Thieves.
DraftKings Lineup for January 23
MVP Damonte $11,400 DK
Top Lane Fudge $6,400 DK
Jungle Blaber $6,800 DK
Mid Lane Perkz $7,200 DK
AD Carry FBI $7,800 DK
Support Vulcan $5,400 DK
TEAM Cloud9 $5,000 DK
Remaining Salary $0
For DraftKings it’s much more difficult to fit many 100 Thieves players in the lineup as they are much more expensive than Cloud9 players in comparison to FanDuel. Swapping Ssumday and Huhi for Fudge ($6,400 DK, $7,600 FD) and Vulcan ($5,400 DK, $7,200 FD) still gives you the highest scorers in Damonte and FBI with only a very small drop off in fantasy points for the top lane and support of Cloud9 compared to 100 Thieves.
Let us know about your wins on Twitter (@FantasyDFSX). We love to hear from you. Best of luck and have fun!